SIGGRAPH '05 ART GALLERY: THEME: "THEADING TIME" where the virtual becomes real and the real is a scene in 2D, 3D and simulation.
Hauntingly, one month after the Siggraph'05 Art gallery and emerging tech demos, displays and venue at the Los Angeles Convention Center, the chimerical experience remains just that -- imaginary, unreal and on the thumnail here from the opening page of the Siggraph'05 art gallery online exhibition. Here's another tribute from this blogger Joyce Schwarz to the art Gallery Committee Linda Lauro-Lazin, Art Gallery Chair, Pratt Institute, the juries, the subcommittees and of course, the artists.
The theme this year was "Threading Time":
"I imagine a labrynith of labryniths, a sinuous spreading path that would contain both past and future and somehow imply the stars" Jorge Luis Borges, "The Garden of Forking Paths".
Borges is the Argentinian writer, poet, essayist for more info go toThe Modern Word: The Garden of Forking Paths --"The Garden of Forking Paths" was his first book.
Siggraph art gallery 05: threading artwork that maps or traces threads through time and space. Six world-renowned artists were invited to exhibit their works in the SIGGRAPH 2005 Art Gallery in addition to the featured juried works.
In advance of the show, Linda Lauro-Lazin, chair said: "The SIGGRAPH 2005 Art Gallery: Threading Time showcases digital artwork from the cerebral to the visceral. The artists examine the passage of time and the marking of space in their work: some lingering, some looping, some humorous, some perennial. All of the work will engage the audience's perceptions of time and place."
The SIGGRAPH 2005 Art Gallery is collaborated with the SIGGRAPH 2005 Computer Animation Festival, Emerging Technologies, Sketches, Access Grid, and Web Programs to provide artists with a wider forum to speak and exhibit their work.
External Measures Untitled 5
, Camille Utterback
Untitled 5 is an interactive art installation. Vaguely Asian and abstract in form an dpresentation it is exactly what the press releae promised "painterly, organic, and evocative while also remaining completely algorithmic". Viewer/visitor (for you cannot just be a viewer) participation (i.e. jumping up and down, raising your hands, moving in front of the presentation) encourages change which according to PR materials is called "kinesthetic exploration-- a visceral sense of unfolding or revelation = as a feeling of immediacy and loss. Somehow capturing the 'design' of brief fleeting moments --almost like a smile for happiness or a grimace for anger: Quicktime Documentation (16 mb, 320x240) Quicktime Documentation (5.5 mb, 160x120)From the artist website at
Jim Campbell ,Ambigous Icons series
What you see is LEDs (light emitting diodes) on which figures move through space. Almost seamlessly passing through analog and digital worlds.
Campbells LED panels hang like wall paintings.
On the artist site he says "Ambiguous Icons explore the relationship between information and meaning, in the context of reduced or compressed levels of information. These works incorporate the fairly new technology: Red-Green-Blue LEDs allowing each LED to be any color." link to Campbell
According to an article on Campbell is a leading figure in exploring computer technology as an art form. An MIT graduate with dual degrees in electrical engineering and mathematics, Campbell also holds more than a dozen patents on video-image processing, and standard-definition and high-definition television. In the Wired 2004 profile they said he was still working a 'day job' in Silicon Valley :"Campbell still works part time for Genesis Microchip (formerly Sage Electronics), a Silicon Valley image-processing company. He is one of the few new-media artists who designs his own circuit boards."