Nice recap of the Digital Hollywood panel I moderated earlier this month at the Loew's Santa Monica Hotel by Joyce Schwarz, author & media futurist, JCOM, (If you'd like to see my insider notes on 10 ways to monetize content, please email me at joycecom(at) thanks js.
Prior to the panel, I simplified the topic to How to Monetize Content which I feel is the basic question for the next 18 months and beyond in the New Hollywood.
Thanks to Andrew Bishop, VP Digital Media, Reality Digital ( for his blog post at:
Taking a moment - The Web and Social Media Advertising follow up...
11 May 2009 This past Thursday I spoke on a panel moderated by Joyce Schwarz, which included Deborah Perry Piscione of, William Alena of, Aki Hashmi of, Rebecca Weeks of, ... |
For more details on the panel or on JCOM services on new product, company and content launches into the new Hollywood please email: joyceschwarz(at)
PS Thanks to all my great panelists and let's get together on too! js.