We're certainly movin' on up with our new Moo business cards from where else www.moo.com. Blogged by Joyce Schwarz, www.joycecom.com. I used the pix of my avatar that was created for me for the Digital Hollywood presentation I did on next-gen content and created a mooovin' & shaken move card. Take a look, hope you agree!
Joyce Schwarz avatar!
Joyce Schwarz, www.joycecom.com, author & digital guru's new Moo business cards from where else -- www.moo.com. Yes, that is avatar and no mom I do not have yellow hair! My Moo cards are vertical but you can get horizontal ones too. And can you believe you can get 100 different images for $19.95 REALLY...plus $4.95 USD for shipping from London, England. Totally amazing card stock qaality --shown REAL size.
MOO cards really reflect marketer Seth Grodin's theory of Purple Cow! Purple Cow by Seth Godin
Part wake up call, part action plan, Seth Godin's Purple Cow shows organizations how to add distinction-andavoid extinction-in today's new economy. ... www.apurplecow.com/ - 7k - |