Ever dreamed of software that helps you win a woman's heart by sending her notes and remembering the little things, while graphing out her suitability? A computer "geek" calls it a reality, according to Douglas Brown, DENVER POST staff writer.
In a recent article interviewing the founder of GIRLFRIEND X reporter Brown quotes GirlfriendX creator Rick Pierce who urges us to "Think of as a personal assistant, one schooled in the art of romance and the science of the female condition, whispering in your ear as you navigate the dating world."
THE article on - LIFESTYLES was so popular it got syndicated in Dayton, Ohio Newspapers and as far away as Arkansas. Here are some links to some of the other articles about GirlfriendX: So, mister, is that software in your pocket? and Dear (type in name), I love you.
WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT GIRLFRIENDX? Reporter Brown explains "While the Internet offers a banquet of romance-related technologies, from ubiquitous dating Web sites to advice bloggers to programs that will store pertinent information about the women in mens' lives, GirlFriendX, it appears, is the first to tie it all together. Services even include calls to cell phones during dates in case you're not enjoying yourself and need an "out," and a "yield calculator." The calculator crunches numbers about various investments, her "maintenance" levels, sexual encounters and the degree to which you care about her, and comes up with a bar graph illustrating how the woman measures up, relationship-wise."
BOYFRIEND Y SET TO LAUNCH SOON....I caught up with Pierce during CES (Consumer Electronics Show) where he was swamped with press interviews including PLAYBOY, CANADIAN TELEVISION, NY TIMES and scads of radio. I asked Pierce about the debut of a Boyfriend X and he chuckled explaining no it will be Boyfriend Y (as in Y chromosone and x chromosone). Anyway, he promises that this blogger Joyce Schwarz can test out the Boyfriend Y software soon to hit the net. Meanwhile, I guess lots of Geeks will be able to test out GirlfriendX and sharpen up their "Chick Q" maybe in time for next Valentines Day!
VALENTINE 411 -- all of you guys can check out the details at and after reading sign up for $19.95 per month. Who knows maybe you'll even throw out that little black book. Gals, it's a perfect gift for your favorite computer repair geek! Check it out at and read more at Personally, I think the concept is awesome, maybe a bit chauvinstic but then I can't wait to get my hands on the Boyfriend Y beta. Who knows maybe Hollywood will come knocking on Pierce's door and turn GirlfriendX and BoyfriendY into a reel-life reality show! But then again, maybe it's really the ultimate quiz show...what do you know about your lovers?